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// Not Available

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C++ (Cpp)

// C++ has no native interfaces.
// But you can implement it using abstract classes with "Pure Virtual" Methods
// An abstract class cannot be instantiated.
// Any class with one or more "pure virtual" functions becomes an abstract class

// Header File (MyInterface.h or MyInterface.hpp)
#pragma once

class MyInterface
// "Pure Virtual" (Abstract) Method (To create a pure virtual function, we simply assign the function the value 0)
virtual float MyMethod() = 0; // You must override "Pure Virtual" (Abstract) methods in the derived class.
// If you want to use the "interface" keyword for a more organized workflow,
// you can use the Macro "define". (Still gonna be a class behind the curtain)

#define interface class

// Header File (MyInterface.h or MyInterface.hpp)
#pragma once

interface MyInterface
virtual float MyMethod() = 0;

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C# (Csharp)

// Classic Example
public interface IMyInterface // In C#, Its a convention to start the name with an I
// "Properties" can be declared but not initialized
string MyProperty { get; set; }

// Methods without body Must be overridden in the implemented class
string MyMethod(); // public by default
void MySecondMethod();
// Since C# 8.0
// Default Implementation
// Access modifiers (private, protected, internal, public and virtual, abstract, sealed)
// Static members (static methods, static fields, and static constructors)
public interface IMyInterface // In C#, Its a convention to start the name with an I
// public "Properties" can be declared but not initialized
public string MyProperty { get; set; }
// Private "property" not allowed

private static string MyStaticField = "Allowed"; // Doesnt need to be initialized

// Methods without body Must be overridden in the implemented class
public abstract string MyMethod(); // "public" and "abstract" by default

public virtual void MySecondMethod()
// Just add an implementation to make it a 'Default Method'
// Not mandatory to override
// By default, the default interface methods are virtual unless the sealed or private modifier is used

private void MyThirdMethod() // Private Members Must Have Default Implementation
// ...

// Static can be used directly Ex.: IMyInterface.myStaticMethod();
public static void myStaticMethod() // Static Members Must Have Default Implementation
// ...

private static void mySecondStaticMethod() // Static Members Must Have Default Implementation
// ...

// After C# 8.0, you should keep "public" in the declaration when public
// Implementation Class Example

class ImplementationClass : IMyInterface
// ...

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// Classic Example
public interface MyInterface
// You can declare constants
String MY_CONSTANT = "Something"; // static and constant (final) by default

// Methods without body Must be overridden in the implemented class
public abstract String myMethod(); // "public" and "abstract" by default
void mySecondMethod(); // "public" and "abstract"

// After Java 8 and Java 9 changes, you should keep "public"
// and "abstract" in the declaration when public and/or abstract
// Since Java 8
// Static and defaults methods
public interface MyInterface
// You can declare constants
String MY_CONSTANT = "Something"; // static and constant (final) by default

public abstract String myMethod(); // No Body

// You dont need to override default methods
public default void mySecondMethod()
System.out.println("default method");

// Static can be used directly Ex.: MyInterface.myThirdMethod();
public static void myThirdMethod()
System.out.println("static method");
// Since Java 9
// Private methods
public interface MyInterface
// ...
// You can do all of the above examples plus:

// private methods can only be used inside the interface
// private static method can be used inside other static and non-static interface methods.
// private non-static methods cannot be used inside private static methods.
// "private abstract" not allowed
// "private default" not allowed

private void mySecondMethod() // private non-static method
System.out.println("private non-static method");

private static void myThirdMethod() // private static
System.out.println("private static method");
// Implementation Class Example

class ImplementationClass implements MyInterface
// ...

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// Not Available

// JavaScript inheritance is based on objects, not classes.
// JavaScript uses what's called duck typing.

// Duck typing is an application of the duck test: "If it walks like a duck and it quacks
// like a duck, then it must be a duck".
// To determine if an object can be used for a particular purpose. With normal typing,
// suitability is determined by an object's type.
// In duck typing, an object's suitability is determined by the presence of certain methods
// and properties, rather than the type of the object itself.

// But there is a workaround for Abstract Class that could be useful. Check that
// section for more information.

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interface MyInterface
// "Properties" can be declared but not initialized
myProperty: string; // Must be defined in the implemented class/object

mySecondProperty?: string; // "Optional Property" - Not mandatory do define in the implemented class/object

readonly myThirdProperty: number; // After its first assignement, it cannot be changed

// Methods without body Must be overridden in the implemented class/object
MyMethod(): string;
MySecondMethod(someParameter: number); // names of the parameters do not need to match

// "private" access modifier not possible in Typescript Intarfaces
// Implementation Class Example

class ImplementationClass implements MyInterface
// ...

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# Python doesnt have native Interface
# Python uses what's called duck typing.

# Duck typing is an application of the duck test: "If it walks like a duck and it quacks
# like a duck, then it must be a duck".
# To determine if an object can be used for a particular purpose. With normal typing,
# suitability is determined by an object's type.
# In duck typing, an object's suitability is determined by the presence of certain methods
# and properties, rather than the type of the object itself.

# Python also allow multiple inheritance

# But still, Python has some libraries that helps defining an Interface
# "python-interface" Example

from interface import Interface

# There are no "{ }", you need to use ":" and indentation
# You can have either spaces or tabs but not both mixed

class MyInterface(Interface):

def my_property(self):

def my_method(self):

def my_second_method(self, some_value):

@interface.default # Not mandatory to override
def my_default_method(self):
print("Default Implementation")
# Implementation Class Example

# "python-interface" Example

from interface import implements

class MyClass(implements(MyInterface)):
# ...

# Multiple interface allowed
class MyClass(implements(MyInterface, MySecondInterface)):
# ...

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