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Functions & Methods

A function parameter is a variable used in a function. Function parameters work almost identically to variables defined inside the function, but with one difference: they are always initialized with a value provided by the caller of the function.

An argument is a value that is passed from the caller to the function when a function call is made.



// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------
[return_type] functionName( [parameters] )
// ...

// I C, functions must be declared before its use.
// It is also possible to use a declaration statement called a
// "Function prototype"
[return_type] functionName( [parameters] ); // ; (Semicolon) here and without Body
// And later, the proper declaration

// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------

void myFunction(float x)
// ...

float myFunction()
// ...

myStruct myFunction( float x, float y)
// ...

myClass myFunction( float x, float y)
// ...

// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------

// No Native Support. There are Workarounds

// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// No Native Support. There are Workarounds

// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// No Native Support. There are Workarounds

// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------
#include <stdarg.h> // For va_list, va_start(), va_args()

// "count" - how many variables
// "..." - the variables
int add_all_int(int count, ...) // "..." (ellipsis) can only occur at the end
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, count); // Dynamic allocate "arguments" with "count" size

int result = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// var_args(va_list_variable, count_type)
result += va_arg(arguments, int);

va_end(arguments); // Free the memory
return result;

// add 2 ints: (2+4)
add_all_int(2 ,2,4);

// add 3 ints: (2+4+7)
add_all_int(3 ,2,4,7);
// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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C++ (Cpp)

// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------
[return type] functionName( [parameters] )
// ...

// I C++, functions must be declared before its use.
// It is also possible to use a declaration statement called a
// "Function prototype"
[return type] functionName( [parameters] ); // ; (Semicolon) here and without Body
// And later, the proper declaration

// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------

void myFunction(float x)
// ...

float myFunction()
// ...

myStruct myFunction( float x, float y)
// ...

myClass myFunction( float x, float y)
// ...

// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------

// No Native Support Yet.

// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// All Parameters with default values are optional
// All Optional Parameters must be at the end.

// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------
void myFunction(float x, float y=10) // 10 is the default argument. Y is now an Optional Parameter
// ...

myFunction(20, 30);

// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// Option 1 - Fold Expressions (Since C++ 17)
template<typename ...Args>
auto add_all(Args ...args)
return (args + ...);
// add 2 ints: (2+4)

// add 3 ints: (2+4+7)

// Option 2 - Variadic Templates (Since C++ 11)
#include <initializer_list>

template <typename T>
T add_all( std::initializer_list<T> list )
T result = 0.0;
for( auto element : list )
result += element;

return result;
// add 2 ints: (2+4)

// add 3 ints: (2+4+7)

// Old Way
#include <cstdarg> // For va_list, va_start(), va_args()

// "count" - how many variables
// "..." - the variables
int add_all_int(const int count, ...) // "..." (ellipsis) can only occur at the end
va_list arguments;
va_start(arguments, count); // Dynamic allocate "arguments" with "count" size

int result = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// var_args(va_list_variable, count_type)
result += va_arg(arguments, int);

va_end(arguments); // Free the memory
return result;
// add 2 ints: (2+4)
add_all_int(2 ,2,4);

// add 3 ints: (2+4+7)
add_all_int(3 ,2,4,7);
// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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C# (Csharp)

// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------

function functionName( [parameters] ) {
// ...

// Self Invoking Function
(function functionName( [parameters] ) {
// ...

// For "Arrow Functions" Check Lambda Section

// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------

function functionName(x, y) {
// ...

// Self Invoking Function
(function main() {
// Code Here

// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------

// Not available natively as some might expect BUT
// Javascript can use Object Destructuring to simulate this

function functionName( { parameter1, parameter2, parameter3 } ) {
// ...

// Using Keyword Arguments, order doesnt matter
// The passed keyword name should match with the actual keyword name.
functionName( { parameter3: '!', parameter1: 'Hello', parameter2: 'World' } );

// Since we're using a javascript object, you can also do like this:
const myParameters = { parameter3: '!', parameter1: 'Hello', parameter2: 'World' };

// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// All Parameters with default values are optional
// All Optional Parameters must be at the end.

// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// Option 1
function functionName(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3='Default String') {
// ...

functionName('Hello', 'World');
functionName('Hello', 'World', '!');

// Option 2 - Object Destructuring
function functionName( { parameter1='Hello', parameter2='World', parameter3='Default String' } = {}) {
// ...

functionName({ parameter1: 'Hello', parameter2: 'World'});
functionName({ parameter1: 'Hello', parameter2: 'World', parameter3: '!'});

// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// Option 1 - rest parameters syntax (Also Known as Spread Operator)
function addAll(...args) {
let result = 0;

for (element of args) {
result += element

return result

console.log(addAll(1, 2, 3))

// Option 2 - Arguments Object
// No need to add a Parameter
function addAll() {
let result = 0;

// Special keyword "arguments"
for (element of arguments) {
result += element

return result

// The arguments object is not an Array. It is similar, but
// lacks all Array properties except length.

// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

More Info:

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// ------------------------------------
// Definition
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Declaration Example
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Optional Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Default Argument for Parameters
// ------------------------------------


// ------------------------------------
// Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Generic/Template
// ------------------------------------

// ------------------------------------
// Static
// ------------------------------------

// Check Static Section

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# ------------------------------------
# Definition
# ------------------------------------

# There are no "{ }", you need to use ":" and indentation
# You can have either spaces or tabs but not both mixed

# In Python if you declare a variable in a block scope (if statement, for statement, ...)
# the variable is hoisted to the outer function scope.

def function_name ( [parameters] ):
# ...

def function_name ( [parameters] ) -> [return_type]: # Optional Type Annotations (PEP 484 / Python 3.6+)
# ...

# Python Methods might have the first Parameter as
# "self" or "cls".

# "self" points to an instance (object) of the class when the method is called.
# Through the self parameter, instance methods can freely access attributes and
# other methods on the same object.
def method_name(self):
# ...

# "cls" points to the class (not the object instance) when the method is called.
def method_name(cls):
# ...

# ------------------------------------
# Declaration Example
# ------------------------------------

def my_function ():
# ...

def my_function ( x: str ) -> str: # Type Annotations (PEP 484 / Python 3.6+)
# ...

def my_function ( x: int, y: int ) -> None:
# ...

# ------------------------------------
# Named Parameters (Keyword Arguments)
# ------------------------------------

def my_function (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3):
# ...

# Using Keyword Arguments, order doesnt matter
# The passed keyword name should match with the actual keyword name.
my_function(parameter3 = '!', parameter1 = 'Hello', parameter2 = 'World')

# ------------------------------------
# Optional Parameters
# ------------------------------------

# All Parameters with default values are optional
# All Optional Parameters must be at the end.

# ------------------------------------
# Default Argument for Parameters
# ------------------------------------

def my_function (parameter1, parameter2, parameter3='Default String'):
# ...

my_function('Hello', 'World', '!')
my_function('Hello', 'World')
my_function(parameter3 = '!', parameter1 = 'Hello', parameter2 = 'World')
my_function(parameter1 = 'Hello', parameter2 = 'World')

# ------------------------------------
# Variable Number of Arguments to a Function Parameters
# ------------------------------------

# *args allows you to pass a varying number of positional arguments.
def add_all(*args): # Unpacking Operator (*)
result = 0

for element in args:
result += element

return result

print(add_all(1, 2, 3))

# **kwargs works just like *args, but instead of accepting positional arguments
# it accepts keyword (or named) arguments.
# Example 1
def add_all(**kwargs):
result = 0

for key, value in kwargs.items():
print ("%s: %s" %(key, value))
result += value

return result

print(add_all(energy_bill = 1, car_bill = 2, school_bill = 3))

# Example 2
def concatenate(**kwargs):
result = ''

for element in kwargs.values():
result += element

return result

print(concatenate(first = 'Hello ', second = 'World', third = '!'))

# Everything Together
def my_function(parameter1, parameter2, *args, **kwargs):
# ...
# ------------------------------------
# Generic/Template
# ------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------
# Static
# ------------------------------------

# Check Static Section

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