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// ------------------------------------
// Imports
// ------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h> // input/output to console
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// File names between <angle brackets> are headers from
// the C standard library.

#include "my_module.h"
#include "path/to/my_module.h"
#include "../path/to/my_module.h"
// For your own headers, use double quotes instead (Convention)


// ------------------------------------
// Exports
// ------------------------------------

// Option 1 - Header Guards.

// This notation is just a convention, not the actual file name

// Code Declarations Here
// This is a header file (.h) the actual code will be
// inside a source file (.c)


// Option 2 - Pragma

// Same purpose as header guards. However,
// is not an official part of the C/C++ language,
// and not all compilers support it (although most modern compilers do).
#pragma once

// Code Declarations Here
// This is a header file (.h) the actual code will be
// inside a source file (.c)

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